Giving Day contributions of every size make a major difference! Support one of these projects today or give to another area that helps the Law School.
Alan S. Schenk Endowed Chair in Taxation
In a career spanning nearly 55 years, Distinguished Professor of Law Alan Schenk has inspired countless Detroit tax law professionals. A renowned scholar, award winning teacher and extraordinary mentor to students and fellow faculty members, Professor Schenk has shaped promising legal minds at the Wayne State Law School and around the globe. An acknowledged expert in value-added taxation (VAT), he has served as technical advisor to the International Monetary Fund, writing VAT laws for several countries in Africa and the Caribbean. He has counseled China, Taiwan, and Japan as a foreign tax expert. We seek to honor Professor Schenk’s extraordinary scholarship and influence with the creation of the Alan S. Schenk Endowed Chair in Taxation. Endowed chairs enable Wayne Law to attract and retain the best faculty in the field, who in turn boost Wayne Law’s academic reputation through their scholarship. This endowed chair will ensure Wayne Law maintains the highest level of excellence in specialized education for students focusing on tax law. Join us in honoring Professor Schenck with a gift to the Alan S. Schenk Endowed Chair in Taxation.
In the event that $1.5 million is not received by Wayne State University for this fund by December 31, 2023, the Schenk Chair will not be established. In that instance, the university will use the funds to establish the Alan S. Schenk Endowed Professorship in Taxation, subject to the terms and conditions in a separate Memorandum of Agreement.
Law School Student Emergency Fund
The Law School Student Emergency Fund offers limited emergency financial assistance to currently enrolled law students and recent graduates (up to 9 months from graduation) who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses, including Bar examination-related expenses, because of temporary hardship related to an unexpected situation. The fund is designated to offset short-term financial need and is not intended to replace or supplement financial aid. Your gift to the Law School Student Emergency Fund will help support students during their time of need.
Public Interest Law Fellowship
The Public Interest Law Fellowship (PILF) was created in 2009 to allow students to gain practical experience with public interest lawyering before graduation, ease student financial stress, and offer much-needed assistance to organizations that provide legal services to underserved constituencies. To expand their academic and practical experience, we invite students with a demonstrated interest in public service and public interest lawyering to apply for a summer funding fellowship to defray personal expenses while pursuing meaningful work offering little or no compensation. Many students must work to cover their living expenses and tuition. Your gift to the Public Interest Law Fellowship will help students meet their financial obligations while exploring rewarding work.
Achieve your charitable goals and create your WSU legacy with a gift in your estate plan.
Wayne State faculty and staff can give via payroll deduction here.