The Black Student Union is a space where voices are amplified, stories are shared, and connections are forged. This chapter's motto is to "Cultivate Leaders through Leadership". Whether you're a freshman finding your way or a senior bringing a wealth of experience, your unique perspective enriches our collective narrative.
Help us raise $10,000 by June 30 to support students at Wayne State! Make your gift today by clicking the “Give Now!” button above.
Your support will help grow and improve programming, outreach, and impact. Your gift today will help fund the Black Onyx Newspaper that supports research and black stories that are curated from our student body; Activism Workshops that are able to educate, train, and empower students into future leaders and makers of change; our 2 induction ceremonies; and support for the Flint Water Drive. The support of this campaign will give us unrestricted fiscal access to complete our immediate goals. Thank you in advance!